Archive for business

DNH Consultants

3 weeks ago, i called up this Consultancy company.

At first, i wanted to know if they can help me write up the Business Plan for our partnership. Apparently, they can help with the WHOLE PROCESS of foreigners setting up their businesses in Singapore. Or another way to put it: All or nothing.


$1,000 for doing and submitting the paperworks which includes doing up the Plan as well as filling in the form for the EntrePass which will enable the foreigner to work in Singapore.

$2,500 after approval from MOM and ACRA which includes registration of the business in itself. (Cost about $100 for a foreigner to register on his own with another singaporean partner)

The kind man warned me though that if the first application was rejected, chances of appeal and/or subsequent application would be very low. In other words, its CRUCIAL to get it right the first time round.

He was very initiative though. He asked me other questions to understand more about our situation. When he gotta know that Zubair was holding a Work Permit, he said the chance might be low if we go thru the Partnership route and explored other ways to do it.

First, he suggested that we apply for PRship straight away. Traditionally, we would wait about 6 months in the same employment and then had to get the employer to sponsor the application. However, this guy said that he can help us submit a convincing application at a fee of $1,000 (irregardless of outcome) without having to wait 6 months nor getting the employer to sponsor.

Hmmm… sounds interesting to our desperate minds back then.

Then he started to look at yet another angle. He found out that im pregnant due in Mar 09. So he said just wait till the baby’s here then we can submit the PR application. With 2 points of support ie Child and Spouse are Singaporeans, the chance of approval is higher.

Although in the end, the result is still the same (ie we hafta wait till the baby’s born), i feel very highly satisfied having had this 8min teleconversation with a Kadir from DNH Consultants.

1. I finally got Z off my back to do the Business Plan.

Mind you, its not cos i dont care… but i feel that its soooooo difficult for ME to write something convincing about a business i dont have a passion for.

2. I spoke to somebody VERY knowledgeable and got answers ON THE SPOT.

It was a sharp highly intelligent conversation hahaha (not from my part tho). Me asking Qns, he answered promptly. I like it. Makes me feel like i can depend on them… on somebody … anybody… in this screwed up world of complicated visas and such.

He IS right though. After getting the PRship, it would be a BREEZE to open the partnership THEN. No need to apply thru MOM for this entrepass shit, things like tt. We wont even need to hire professionals to do it, we can DIY.

The heartwarming part about this phone call is that, he very early pre-amped (is this the right word?) me that he was going to Haj for a month and will only be back in Jan 09. and also when he asked how i gotta know his company, i said from your prayer time table i pasted on my work desk, he said, “Oh that’s nice.” It made me feel like, “Ok.. I can certainly trust this guy.”

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EntrePass & Business Plans

I’ve been dreading to start writing again bcos the topic on hand is a difficult and tiresome one.

Last Thurs, i took half day leave to go and research how to set up a company for Zubair.

Actually i’ve already done the research on the phone some time last year i think. I still have the notes. But oklah wanted to appease Zubair and show that i really do support him morally.

First Stop. International Plaza – DP Bureau.

We had to pay $10 for consultation which is refundable when we eventually set up the company. Basically nothing new that i dont know already… except for the revised fees, processing time and some pros and cons as well as opinions of the officer and what other services that they could do for us.

Basically his company will be offering private music lessons at home, as well as on hire for any performance or music composition and what nots.

In Summary, we hafta register the Partnership FIRST with fees of $133 and will be approved between 3 – 5 days if there’s no problem with the Business Name.

Second step: apply to MOM for Employment Pass. This DP Bureau could not help to submit for us the papers. We already know that our chance is slim without a degree. And normally, if applied from an employer, the requirement to get an EP is to have $2,500 pm salary. However, we put hope that bcos its his OWN partnership, he has a Singaporean wife as well as a Professional Cert might up the chance by a big notch.

On the other hand, I realised that Grade 5 Theory might not be enough to be called a professional certificate. Nonetheless, i pray and i hope.

Next stop: MOM

We wanted to know what are our chances first before applying for that partnership and then end up he cant operate it. like my sister would say: buang karen ajer (waste energy).

We looked up the long alphabetically sections for queues but couldn’t decide whether its a Work Permit or Employment Pass, almost argued about it. Then went to the reception counter and we related our intention.

Without hesitation nor much thought, she said, You can apply for an EntrePass along with your Business Plan. THEN when its provisionally approved, you can register your partnership.

On the first run, i was delighted! Ok at last somebody who’s confident about the answer.

When i got back and checked on the net. I remembered why i didnt even consider EntrePass. Because of this clause

In addition, businesses not of an entrepreneurial nature (e.g. coffee
shops/hawker centres/food courts, foot reflexology/massage parlours, karaoke
lounges, money changing/remitting, newspaper vending, geomancy and tuition
services etc) will not be considered for an EntrePass.

Golden Question: Would the partnership that we intend to set up be regarded as entrepreneurial in nature???

Application fee is $40 regardless of result.


On the sideline…. Just a day before we went to do all this research, Zubair has finally succumbed, “Lets go back to Pak.”

But this time I’m the hesitant one.

  1. Why is he suddenly so anxious to go back? He had been tired for a long time already what.
  2. Waiting for the outcome of this partnership idea
  3. No way am i gonna endanger my life as well as my baby’s with that CRAZY BITCH Still breathing and roaming around in Pak.

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